A FREE beginning Greek grammar with exercises
Do you want to deepen your understanding of the word of God?

Do you like free?

Are you ready for an adventure?

If you answered “YES!” to those three questions,
this grammar is for you. Please scroll down and download it!
Gaining competence in Biblical Greek will provide you with a new tool for studying the word of God, both the Old and New Testament. In short, you will be able:
To understand the word of God better and to appreciate it more. (There are certain details in the Biblical text that are not readily apparent in a translation.)
To teach the word of God better. (This follows from the previous point.)
To have greater access to the tools that interact with the Greek (dictionaries, commentaries, grammars, etc.).
- To evaluate the teaching of those who appeal to something in the Greek.
To make the word of God more accessible. Perhaps, for example, the Lord will lead you to participate in Bible translation!
Using this grammar is free of charge because we want anyone who desires to learn Biblical Greek to have that opportunity. For the same reason, we are praying that God will raise up workers who are willing to translate the grammar into other languages. That way people who do not have a Greek grammar in their language that is accessible will have one. This book is already available in English, Spanish, and Chinese. If you are interested in translating it to another language, click below for more information.
Learning Biblical Greek is an adventure because it is fun, challenging (it requires time and discipline), and richly rewarding. This book seeks to maximize the fun and minimize possible frustration by emphasizing the reading of Scripture and not rote memorization. It also introduces a unique Contextual Vocabulary System. This system uses the recitation of catchy phrases of Scripture to help make vocabulary learning fun and memorable!


Nathan currently serves as a missionary faculty member at el Seminario Teológico Centroamericano (Central American Theological Seminary). Over the past ten years, he has regularly taught Biblical Greek and exegetical courses. Prior to living in Guatemala, Nathan attended Chafer Theological Seminary where he received his Th.M. Nathan also has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wyoming. During his freshman year of college, Nathan believed in Jesus Christ for eternal life, the most precious gift one can receive. That same year Nathan met Ruth Ann, the woman who would become his wife. God has blessed them with twenty years of marriage and eight beautiful children. Praise God for His goodness!
To send corrections or inquiries about translating the grammar, please contact Nathan Purtzer at biblicalgreekbegtheadventure@gmail.com.